Finding a good web host is never easy, but a web hosting comparison can make the task a whole lot simpler. If you are new to the idea of setting up a website on your own domain, hosting can be a scary subject. You must enter a monthly or yearly contract with a company to you unknown. Web hosting is going to cost you money, and if you are with a company that?s not working for you, it will be very time consuming and frustrating to change to a different server.
Even if you have several years? experience of web hosting, when it is time to upgrade to a different level of service you may be a little lost. It could be that you are no longer happy with your host, and that you are thinking of moving on. Or, it is possible that they are unable to deliver a product you currently need.
You can go on line and find reviews on mostly any web host. It is worth keeping in mind, however, that many web hosting companies offer a commission to anybody who refers a new customer to them. This means that the person posting a stellar review of the web host could very well be receiving a commission for the happy thoughts.
In many cases of course they will still give an honest review, especially if they are reviewing several web hosts side by side to provide a web hosting comparison. A good review will highlight the good and the bad, and will make it a point to indicate who would most benefit from using a certain host and who would not.
Online forums that focus on Internet businesses are another good place to find comparisons. You can inquire about which web host the visitors of the forum are using, and you can ask if they can suggest one that fits your needs.
Some website hosting forums are also good places to find criteria that can come in really handy when you are trying to compare different hosts. One example is Web Hosting Talk. This particular forum is an independent one where people meet to discuss varied issues with their hosts.
Some threads are specifically technical, but others also talk about different hosts. They can be great to read, as long as you realize that what you find written there is mostly an opinion written by someone who was probably upset at the time. They may have expectations and needs very different than your own.
Occasionally, representatives of host companies check in to respond to criticism. The way they approach situations there can be very indicative of the level of customer service you are likely to find in their company. Since you are not able to check on their technical support unless you sign up, you should at least get a glimpse of the company?s integrity by seeing how their representative responds to harsh criticism and complaints. This can be one of the best ways of building up a useful web hosting comparison.
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