Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This is based off of an anime named Saki, which is in turn based off of a game called mahjong. If you don't know what mahjong is, there's no way I can explain it to you in this post without having it be massively large, so look it up yourself if you're interested. It's an awesome game, which is why I'm hoping to make a roleplay out of it. The anime is okay most of the time and 100% awesome on occasion. This roleplay will not be a fanfiction of Saki, only heavily inspired by it, unless you guys know about Saki and like it. We would still need all original characters, however.

For the plot, our characters will form together into a team of five people and compete in a mahjong tournament. Some of the mahjong players have special powers related to mahjong, such as always picking the dora tiles or getting a legal hand incredibly fast. Basically, powers that help defy the laws of probability within a certain aspect of the game. My character will either pick terminal tiles a lot or have a high win percentage on a riichi (both of which are what happens in real life). We will have to be the underdog, so most of our opponents will have the really powerful abilities and we'll have to come up with strategies to beat them. I won't allow you to "randomly" pick the exact tile that you need every time.

To speed things along during tournaments, if our team is only fighting against NPC's then you can go through multiple turns in a single post rather then having a post with you only picking up a single tile (unless there is a lot of plot to go along with it and to build up suspense). There can be more then one team of five if this gets a lot of interest, so obviously we'd have to take turns if we were in the same match against each other. For people that want to, we can have more then one character to help fill in the teams. For the teams, I'm leaning towards it being allowing a mix of genders or all female (the second option being the case in Saki). While that is preferred, I'd obviously be willing to change if everyone wants to be male (in which cased I would have it an all male tournament).

Besides the tournament, we'll also have a lot of plot and character development between our teams, so it's not like we'll just be playing mahjong nonstop. One final note, this takes place in Japan.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/w_o1Bb_jmU0/viewtopic.php

marion barry virginia beach jet crash ridiculously photogenic guy amanda bynes dui ghost ship tiger woods masters jet crash virginia beach

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